Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Introduction to Into the Wild Literature Project

For the next month, we will be reading and discussing a very exciting survival novel based on a true story about a young man named Christopher McCandless.  The novel is called Into the Wild and it is written by Jon Krakauer.  Recently, the novel was made into a major motion picture.  The movie version is excellent, but the novel is different and better in many ways.  As we read the novel in and out of class, you will create your own Into the Wild blog project with written blogs and creative gadgets.  Enjoy the adventure!

Go to the link below for an overview of the novel before getting started.  Create your own blog project on Blogger and give it a name that has to do with the book title, your first name, and English project.  Select an image to post on the introduction.  Also, give a brief overview of the novel that you are about to read based on Wikipedia.  Put the summary into your own words and invite other teen readers to join you on this literary adventure.


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