Monday, December 29, 2014

Free Write About Escaping Society

Chapter 9 Meditation and Free Write

Blog Directions


          Do a free write about your reactions to this idea of escaping civilization to attain a higher degree of spiritual enlightenment.  Given the high physical and emotional price paid by Chris, Everett, and the others mentioned so far in the book, do you think their adventures were worth it?  Would you like to try a “wilderness retreat” from civilization similar to what these men did?  Respond to these questions in your free writing, and add anything else that is on your mind at this point of the story.  Some things to thing about in your free write blog is to describe all of the things that you might be “escaping” if you were to go “into the wild” for a period of time.  What would you miss or not miss about your day-to-day life? 


Please type directly into your Blog post.  Give it a creative title too.  Be ready to share voluntarily.  

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